And an interesting thing, long time I was living in that places, but never was there.
A little bit about these rocks. In the Lipetsk area (the middle of lowlands) there are a group of old rocks in very close distance to each other. One of them is washing by the Don river (Galichya mountain), some of - by the Vorgol river (Vorgol rocks and others). The rocks by itself are not high (30-50 m) but interesting. I couldn't find the history of their origin but my opinion is that there are debris of Ural or Kavkaz mountains which were droped here thowsands of years ago by the glacier. All the rocks are united in a preserve "Galichya mountain" which is a smallerst one in the world. The vegetation of this small area differ markedly from usual for this latitude and I immediately noticed that.. In general, the more information you can ask Wiki (but I'm scare there isn't much information in English) and I'll continue the story.
At the present time it is a favourite place for the rocks climbers and other folk who likes to spend time in nature.
We stsrted from the Moscow in the evening and arrived in a deep night. While puting up the tent and having some lunch the dawn became. Then we went to sleep.
Woke up in the early morning of the strong dtuffiness. The tent warmed by the sun and it was no possibility to stay inside. Quickly washed and went to look around.
A view from the rocks:
My girls on photo-pasture:
A little of photos:
My polirized filter at work:
But I still can't make "milkwater" in a good quality, need a gray filter:
It is the old homestead with the dam that not far from the rocks. Long time ago dam was build for the mill (it didn't survive till this time). Now homestead has gone to rack and ruin.
With no comments:
The pair of newly-weds did a professional photosession:
After all we met the sunset..
It was almost night when returning to the camp. By the way we've met the old hedgehog!! I was snap him so much and so close that the poor fallow began to growl on me:
Before the sleep we played with cam a little:
The next morning we went back at home.
All the photos are here.
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