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Sunday, July 31, 2011

First dreams

4 stragger bodyes came from the taiga on the federal road. They all are wet till under and trembling. Faces and hands till the elbows are in scratches, legs till the knees are in one big bruise, feets are in great blisters and wounds.

There are no warm and rest in close future for them. But you can read on thems faces: "I did it!!"..

Monday, July 18, 2011


In the middle of June I had a trip to Karelia that I had planned a long time before. The company as always was of me and my girls :) How it was:

All the photos are here.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Not long time ago I wrote a post about the upcoming changes in my life so this is the outcome.

Life is a continued moving. You can fall or rise but not to stand still. If you became standing so you are a deadman. And I'm trying to plan my life in accordance with this principle. And in fact every step in my life is like a challenge up to myself (it always be that).

It started 9 years ago when I got a business idea and came with it to the business owner. Then it was my unexpected moving to Moscow, the first limitas troubles and then in the end - my current job where I'm working for 6 years.

The one important thing. The last year to my own surprise I went to the Japan for a week. And after that event everything changed in my life. I began to study the Japanese language and seek contact with people with the same interests.

And now I'm making a big step into a deep uncertainty. I won't tell about all events before this decision, but now there are material changes in a field of my activity. I'm trying to combine my work, hobbie and the interest to Japan. Maybe you'll tell that it's impossible, but I've done it (maybe I'm a lucky one or I'm just wanted it so much) and God, please, help me..

After the 3 weeks I'm going to my annual Baikal trip for 2 weeks. Then, after a few days after returning, I'm flying to Japan on business trip for a month. After that I'll stay there for 2 weeks on my vacation. And then I'll begin a new life..