Not long time ago I wrote a post about the upcoming changes in my life so this is the outcome.
Life is a continued moving. You can fall or rise but not to stand still. If you became standing so you are a deadman. And I'm trying to plan my life in accordance with this principle. And in fact every step in my life is like a challenge up to myself (it always be that).
It started 9 years ago when I got a business idea and came with it to the business owner. Then it was my unexpected moving to Moscow, the first limitas troubles and then in the end - my current job where I'm working for 6 years.
The one important thing. The last year to my own surprise I went to the Japan for a week. And after that event everything changed in my life. I began to study the Japanese language and seek contact with people with the same interests.
And now I'm making a big step into a deep uncertainty. I won't tell about all events before this decision, but now there are material changes in a field of my activity. I'm trying to combine my work, hobbie and the interest to Japan. Maybe you'll tell that it's impossible, but I've done it (maybe I'm a lucky one or I'm just wanted it so much) and God, please, help me..
After the 3 weeks I'm going to my annual Baikal trip for 2 weeks. Then, after a few days after returning, I'm flying to Japan on business trip for a month. After that I'll stay there for 2 weeks on my vacation. And then I'll begin a new life..
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